Title - Description | This Month | Average | Stats | |
26 | FOCS-RCIC - This unofficial website is dedicated to preserving Riss and Company, Inc. truck line history which was originally owned and operated by Richard R. Riss Sr. from 1927 to 1964. Category: USA |
0 | 0 | |
27 | Award Winning Web Site Designs - Award Winning Web Site Designs can design or redesign your site to reach ALL your goals! We create valid code (including XHTML) with search engine optimization to get you targeted traffic. Online business design experience since 1991 (Day 1 of USA web). Category: USA |
0 | 0.5 | |
28 | Fish prints by wildlife artist Randy McGovern - Artist Randy McGovern has superb limited edition fish prints! Featuring a wide variety of saltwater and freshwater fish prints, Randy McGovern has a big following among fishermen and fish art lovers. 43 unique fish prints are on sale - framed or unframed! Category: USA |
0 | 0 | |
29 | Windows Mail, Incredimail + Outlook Express Stationery - Over 900 Incredimail,Windows Mail and Outlook Express Stationery for your e-mail programs,featuring Military Letters of all the Armed Forces and much more! Category: USA |
0 | 0 | |
30 | Lawrence Yerkes - New Jersey Real Estate - South Jersey gateway to properties and brokerage services for Commercial and Investment property, Residential homes, Relocation support, Free online Real Estate resources. Serving Medford, Southampton, Mt. Laurel, Marlton, Moorestown, Burlington County. Category: USA |
0 | 0 | |
31 | Nassau Circle - Murder On The Country Club - Nassau Circle is an exciting murder mystery novel set in an upscale golf community. Even if you don't play golf, this book is hard to stop reading. Order this murder mystery book for yourself or as a great gift idea for someone special! Category: USA |
0 | 0 | |
32 | Author Joel Goulet - Official website of Author Joel Goulet containing information about his novels and a bit more including pet adoption and cancer awareness. Category: USA |
0 | 0 | |
33 | American Association Of Webmasters - The AAWM Association and its Award Program were designed to supply formal recognition and acknowledge all of the hard work and dedication that each applicant has put into constructing their web sites using their own brand of style, creativity and content. Category: USA |
0 | 0 | |
34 | Texas Precancel Club - Ranked #9 on latest update of The World's Most-Awarded Web Sites. As of September 2012, this web site has now won 1,799 web site design awards! Category: USA |
0 | 0 | |
35 | Firestarter Pyrography - Pyrographic artist specialising in burning design onto wood and leather. From spoons to boxes, plus clocks to plaques. Ideal personalised gifts for a special occasion or personal treat! Also pyrography tips and techniques, patterns, tagua and gourds. Category: International |
0 | 0 |
Title - Description | This Month | Average | Stats | |
36 | CyberNiche Software - Powerful, easy to use software for business and home users. Preventive maintenance, help desk, request tracker, keys program, etc. Custom programming services. Free clean (spyware/adware/malware free) trial downloads. A Top 50 List participant since 1999! Category: International |
0 | 0 | |
37 | A Gadzillion Things To Think About - Fun, family site filled with thousands of humorous questions to encourage creative thought in all age groups. This site was VERY popular on original Top 50 list, ranking #19 out of 319 sites. It had 2,401 Votes In and got 3,566 visitors FROM this list! Category: International |
0 | 0 | |
38 | Ivory-billed Woodpecker Conservation Stamp Program - Official Ivory-billed Woodpecker Conservation Stamp Print Program. See the beautiful rare bird art design by wildlife artist Larry Chandler - Ivory-bill Woodpecker news, photos, video, links and more on the greatest ornithological discovery in 100+ years! Category: USA |
0 | 0 | |
39 | NZ Fantasy Artist: Ellinore Ginn - A tribute to a Canadian woman who adored colour and her family. Read about her life in wartime England. Follow her footsteps to New Zealand when she taught art, wrote her own autobiography, formed 2 art galleries, wrote poetry and founded Porirua Theatre. Category: International |
0 | 0 | |
40 | Lagoon View Yacht Club - Non-profit fraternal boating association dedicated to boating education and charitable endeavors. Ranked # 41 on the original Top 50 Award Winning Web sites List. See our Awards Program. AS! 5.0; UWSAG 4.0; I.W.A.R.A. 5.0/Certified Evaluator; F.R.I. 5.0 Category: USA |
0 | 0 | |
41 | The Dirk Marks Performing Arts Pages - A globetrotting thespian's international acting and singing adventures... Category: International |
0 | 0 | |
42 | Conny's Patch Collection - Patch Collection from:rnPolice, Fire, Ems and Security Category: International |
0 | 0 | |
43 | Shoot for the Moon - Kentucky, Moon Bow, Facts, Waterfalls,
Scenic Pictures, Jesus, Friends, Free Awards, Gifts 4 You. Peace Plaques, Yes, all Free For Real. Made By Me... Laine aka Moonbud. Blinkies Collected, Wolf, Eagle, Cumberland Falls, Links + Free BBQ Sauce Recipes! Category: USA |
0 | 0 | |
44 | WM8C's Ham Links - Information on my hobbies, Ham Radio, Water Gardening, Motorcycling, Mushroom and Deer Hunting, Paint Shop Pro. I share my PSP Tutorials, articles on various subjects of my daily life and experiences, inspirations, and much more with you... Category: USA |
0 | 0 | |
45 | My Reflections - A site that is entertaining, and educational. A true story of my father who was a POW during WWII, called Hard Way Back. Jenny Wiley Saga, Jokes,Fairy Images, Pages to make you think! And much more. Click here to experience it... Category: USA |
0 | 0 |
Title - Description | This Month | Average | Stats | |
46 | Spiral Pixel Web Development and Design - Spiral Pixel web development and graphic design offers services for all of your creative needs, from web to print, photography to illustration. Category: International |
0 | 0 | |
47 | Poetry Of Faith Elizabeth Brigham - My website contains my life-long efforts to promote the arts and contains both my work and links to many other literary resuorces useful to members of the arts community. It celebrates and promotes cultural diversity and the arts. Category: USA |
0 | 0 | |
48 | First Aid For Asthma Attacks - FAFAA - First Aid For Asthma Attacks (FAFAA) an Integrated Holistic Based First Aid Intervention provides desperately needed skills to assist an asthmatic having an attack. FAFAA is based on the preventive book, Golden Wings, Holistic Approach to Managing Asthma. Category: USA |
0 | 0 | |
49 | Destiny - World Trade Center Tribute - We will NEVER forget what happened on September 11, 2001 - God Bless America! Category: USA |
0 | 0 | |
50 | BDRI - Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute - BDRI engages people worldwide in scientific research and education to contribute to the conservation of bottlenose dolphins, expand the public's knowledge and concern for our marine environment. Category: International |
0 | 0 |